Please Note
Many healthcare providers allow and encourage patients to modify, reschedule, or cancel appointments in Mend. Other organizations require all patients to contact the practice directly to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If you are unsure, or if you have questions about cancellation policies or fees, please contact your healthcare provider's office for guidance.
How to Reschedule or Cancel an Appointment
When an appointment is scheduled, you will receive a series of notifications and reminders by email and/or text message. If your healthcare provider allows patients to cancel or reschedule appointments, you will see a link to do so in the email notifications.
Email Link:
In your text message reminders, the same link that will allow you to confirm, test your connection, or join your visit (in the case of video appointments) will give you the option to cancel or reschedule when permitted.
Text Message Link:
After pressing the link, you will be prompted to verify your date of birth. Then, select "Reschedule" or "Cancel" from the Actions menu on the left of the screen (desktop) or top of the screen (mobile).
If you are unable to locate your appointment notifications, you may also log into the Mend portal, locate the appointment under "Upcoming Appointments" on the Dashboard, and press "Actions" to choose "Reschedule" or "Cancel" from the drop-down menu.
Old Dashboard
New Dashboard
Once you have pressed "Reschedule," you will be prompted to select a new available time slot for your appointment. You may click the left and right arrows to move to another day, or click the "Select Day" calendar icon to pick a specific day. Select a time by pressing "Select."
The next screen may require you to provide a reason you are rescheduling the appointment. Select an option and press "Proceed with reschedule."
Your provider will be notified that you have requested to reschedule, and they will review the new time you have selected and the reason you provided. They will have the option to approve or deny your request, and the ability to reach out to you directly to confirm.
Please note: until your request is approved by your provider, the appointment is still upcoming as originally scheduled.
If you do not hear from your provider or receive a new appointment notification by email and/or text within a reasonable amount of time, please contact your healthcare provider's office directly.
Once you have pressed "Cancel," the "Cancel Appointment(s)" screen will verify which appointment you are requesting to cancel.
If you have multiple upcoming appointments, they will appear under "Other Appointments." You can select them by pressing "Select." When the correct appointments(s) appear under "Selected Appointment(s)," press "Cancel Selected Appointments."
The next screen may require you to provide a reason you are canceling the appointment. You may press "Keep" or "Reschedule Instead," or you may select an option and press "Proceed With Cancellation."
Your provider will be notified of your request, and they may view your reason for cancellation. They will have the option to approve or deny your request, and the ability to reach out to you directly to confirm.
Please note: until your request is approved by your provider, the appointment is still upcoming as originally scheduled.
If you do not hear from your provider or receive a cancellation notification by email and/or text within a reasonable amount of time, please contact your healthcare provider's office directly.