Please Note
Many healthcare providers allow and encourage patient self-scheduling in Mend.
Some require all patients to contact the practice directly to schedule an appointment, and others allow certain types of scheduling in Mend only.
If you are unsure whether your healthcare provider allows patient self-scheduling, please contact them directly for guidance.
Note: If your provider has given you a direct link to their waiting room (ex: go ahead and click the link to virtually walk in!
How to Schedule an Appointment in Mend
Step One - Log In
Navigate to and log in with your email address and password.
If you have used Mend before but have never created a password, you may be able to do so by pressing "Forgot or Reset Password" and following the instructions sent to you by email.
If you have never used Mend before, your healthcare provider may have a signup link for you to use, or you may need to contact them directly and request access.
For more information about how to log in to the Mend portal, check out the Account Creation article.
Step Two - "Click Here" Button
On the old dashboard, select the “Click here to schedule an appointment” button. On the new dashboard, this will be the "Request an Appointment" button.
- If you’re on a computer, the button will be at the top left of the old dashboard, and top right of the new dashboard.
- If you’re on a mobile device, it will be at the very top- you can’t miss it!
Old Dashboard
New Dashboard
Step 3 - Select Patient
On the Select Patient screen, you will see your name, along with any dependents on your account.
- Click “Select Patient”
- In the drop-down list, select “Self” if the appointment is for yourself, or “Dependent(s)” if the appointment is for a person in your care.
- If you select “Dependent(s),” you’ll specify which dependent on the next screen by pressing “Actions” and “Select” next to their name.
Step 4 - Reason for Visit
In the text box, type the reason you are scheduling an appointment, then click the "Continue" button.
Note: This step may be slightly different depending on your healthcare provider's preferences. It may be required, it may be skippable by pressing "Continue," or it may be missing altogether.
Step 5 - Visit Type
The questions you see here are set by your healthcare provider to help determine the right type of appointment for you. You may be prompted to answer:
- Where you are located
- If you are a new patient
- If your symptoms are listed on the screen
- How you will be paying for the appointment
- If you need to see a specialist (therapy, medication management, dermatology, podiatry, etc.)
You may also be asked if you'd like to schedule a future appointment or be seen immediately. If the "On Demand" option is available, you can request to enter the Virtual Waiting Room and wait for the next available provider to join. For more information, please read the On Demand appointment article.
Step 6 - Provider and Time
The providers visible on this screen depend on a number of factors, including the type of care they provide and their availability. Depending on your healthcare provider's preferences, you may see all available providers, or you may be restricted to providers you have received care from before.
Any providers you can see at this step may be selected for your appointment.
You may select one of the Open Slots, or you may click "More" to see more options.
From the "More" screen, you can click the left and right arrows to move to another day, or click the "Select Day" calendar icon to pick a specific day. Select a time by pressing "Select."
Step 7 - Payment Method (When Applicable)
Some healthcare organizations use Mend to capture patient responsibility. This could be a co-pay or a full self-payment for your appointment.
If your healthcare provider requires payment capture in Mend, you will need to add or select a payment method before scheduling the appointment.
Some organizations will charge your payment method before your appointment, others will save your payment method for processing after your appointment. If you are unsure how your healthcare organization processes your payment, please contact them directly to clarify.
To add a new payment method, click "+ New Payment" to securely enter a credit or debit card.
To use an existing payment method, click "Actions" and "Select."
For more information about how your payment information is collected and stored, please review the Payment Information article.
Step 8 - Review and Book
The last page prompts you to review the appointment details. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Book."
Appointment Confirmation
Some healthcare organizations require your provider to approve your appointment before it is officially scheduled. If this is the case, you will see your appointment under "Unapproved Appointments" on the Dashboard, and you will receive a text and email to notify you that your appointment is pending approval.
Once your appointment has been added to the schedule you will receive notifications by text and email containing:
- Appointment date and time
- Provider's name
- Link to confirm your appointment
- Link to cancel or reschedule (when applicable)
- Location and directions (when applicable)
Video Appointments Only
- Link to test your browser, camera, microphone, speaker, and internet connection
- Secure link to connect to the appointment
- Unique access code to connect to the appointment on a mobile device (when applicable)