Mend Troubleshooter
Which issue can we help you resolve?
I'm unable to connect to a video visit
I'm a patient and I can't log in to Mend
I'm a provider or staff member and I can't log in to Mend
I'm in a video visit and something's wrong with the video
I'm in a video visit and something's wrong with the audio
Something's not loading correctly
I need advanced troubleshooting help
Connection Issues
Tip 1: Try a refresh
- Refresh (sometimes called reload) your web browser by clicking the circular arrow next to the address bar. Additional ways to refresh your web browser include:
- On a Windows computer, press the "F5" key on your keyboard.
- On a Mac computer, press and briefly hold the "⌘ Cmd" and "R" keys on your keyboard.
- On most mobile web browsers, touch near the top of the screen and "pull down."
- You may also try a "hard refresh" to reload cached information.
- On a Windows computer, press and briefly hold the "Ctrl" and "F5" keys.
- On a Mac computer, press and briefly hold "⌘ Cmd", "⇧ Shift", and "R".
Tip 2: Check your web browser and your device
- For most devices, Mend works best if you are using the most recent version of Google Chrome.
- iPhone and iPad devices must use the native Safari app.
- If your iOS is below 15.3, please update your operating system to update your Safari web browser.
- If your iOS is below 13 and cannot be updated further, your device may not be compatible with browser-based video visits. Please attempt to use another device.
Tip 3: Improve your internet connection
- Generally, it is best to have only one instance/tab of Mend open at a time. Additionally, close any other additional windows, tabs, or applications you are not using to maximize your device's resources.
- Pay special attention to other video chat applications (FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, Zoom, Facebook Messenger), streaming platforms (Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Pandora), and cloud storage applications (Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox).
- Are you using cellular data or public WiFi? Try switching to a strong, secure WiFi signal. If no WiFi is available, try positioning yourself near a window for a stronger cellular signal.
- Are you on a private internet connection in your home or office? Restart your cable modem, router, or other network equipment, and if possible, try a hard wired connection.
- Are you on a company-owned internet connection or VPN? Your employer's firewall may be restricting bandwidth, which can cause connectivity issues even if your internet is great otherwise. Please coordinate with your IT department to whitelist our domain.
- Check out our WebRTC connection test in the Advanced Troubleshooting Tips section below.
Login Issues (Patient)
In most cases, patients do not need a password to use Mend.
If your healthcare provider uses Mend for in-person appointment reminders, you can receive your reminders and confirm your appointments without needing to log in at all.
If your healthcare provider uses Mend for telehealth (video visits) or paperless intake forms, in most cases all you will need is a link and your date of birth.
You may need to log in with a password if:
- Your healthcare organization has sent you a secure message
- You are self-scheduling an appointment
- Your healthcare organization requires patients to create an account before completing an intake form or joining a video visit.
Tip 1: Check your spelling
- This error is frequently caused by typos. Double check that you've entered your email address and password correctly.
Tip 2: Think back - have you logged in before?
- If you know you have logged in to Mend with your email address and password, make sure you are using the same email address you have logged in with before.
- If you have used Mend to connect to a video visit or fill out a form before, but used your date of birth instead of a password, you may not have an account set up yet. Check out this article for more information.
Tip 3: Reset your password
- Tap "Forgot or Create Password" to open the Password Reset modal. Enter your email address, then tap "Send Password Reset."
Then, check your email and tap the link provided to open the Reset Password page.
- Note: If you are encountering an issue where it states your link has been used before, check you are using the most recent password reset link you have received.
- On the Reset Password page, type in your email address, birthdate, and password (type the same password in both fields). When you press "Go," it will prompt you to log in with your email address and your new password.
- Note: If you receive the error message, "Unable to verify the email address," this means the email address you have provided doesn't belong to an existing account in Mend. Double check your spelling, then check out this article for more information about creating an account.
Login Issues (Staff or Provider)
Tip 1: Check your spelling
- This error is frequently caused by typos. Double check that you've entered your email address and password correctly.
Tip 2: Think back - have you logged in before?
- Some organizations configure an SSO to allow staff and providers to log in directly from the EHR or other system. If this is how you have logged in before, you will need to use this method each time. Please reach out for assistance internally, or email
- If this is your first time logging in and you are seeing the "information provided does not match our records" error message, it's possible your account was created with a placeholder email or date of birth. Please reach out for assistance internally, or email
Tip 3: Reset your password
- Tap "Forgot or Create Password" to open the Password Reset modal. Enter your email address, then tap "Send Password Reset."
- Then, check your email and tap the link provided to open the Reset Password page.
- On the Reset Password page, type in your email address, birthdate, and password (type the same password in both fields). When you press "Go," it will prompt you to log in with your email address and your new password.
- Note: If you receive the error message, "Unable to verify the email address," this means the email address you have provided doesn't belong to an existing account in Mend. Please reach out for assistance internally.
Video Issues
If someone's internet connection is not strong enough to support a full video visit, Mend will automatically switch that person to an "audio only" connection so the visit may continue while we attempt to recover the video feed. You may also see this called "audio fallback." When this happens, you should also see a chat message from the Mend Bot within the visit with an explanation and tips to resolve.
By default, you should always see the other user in your visit if they are successfully connected to the visit. You may sometimes see the following instead:
- Red "Exit" Symbol: The user is still connected, but they have navigated to another screen on their device.
Green Audio Symbol: When five or more users are connected to a group video visit, their video feed will be suspended in mobile view to conserve bandwidth.
- If Active Speaker is OFF, you can select a user's initials to bring their complete video feed to the center of your screen.
- If Active Speaker is ON, this will happen automatically when each user begins speaking.
- Red Crossed-Out Camera: The user has intentionally disabled their camera.
- Black Screen: The user's internet quality is poor or fluctuating, so Mend has dropped their feed to "audio only" while we attempt to recover their video feed. When this happens, you should also see a chat message from the Mend Bot with an explanation and tips to resolve.
What if the other person can't see you, or if you experience video lag or freezing?
Tip 1: Try a refresh
- Refresh (sometimes called reload) your web browser by clicking the circular arrow next to the address bar. Additional ways to refresh your web browser include:
- On a Windows computer, press the "F5" key on your keyboard.
- On a Mac computer, press and briefly hold the "⌘ Cmd" and "R" keys on your keyboard.
- On most mobile web browsers, touch near the top of the screen and "pull down."
If you are prompted to "Allow" or "Block" your camera, make sure to press "Allow!"
- If you are using Safari and you are NOT prompted to allow your camera, please go to "Settings" in your device, search for "Safari," and manually set the camera setting to "Allow."
Tip 2: Test your camera
- Let's make sure your camera is connected and working. Click the Mend Connection Test link here.
- If you do not pass the camera section of the test, follow the instructions presented on the page or in our Connection Test article.
Tip 3: Improve your internet connection
- Generally, it is best to have only one instance/tab of Mend open at a time. Additionally, close any other additional windows, tabs, or applications you are not using to maximize your device's resources.
- Pay special attention to other video chat applications (FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, Zoom, Facebook Messenger), streaming platforms (Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Pandora), and cloud storage applications (Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox).
- Are you using cellular data or public WiFi? Try switching to a strong, secure WiFi signal. If no WiFi is available, try positioning yourself near a window for a stronger cellular signal.
- Are you on a private internet connection in your home or office? Restart your cable modem, router, or other network equipment, and if possible, try a hard wired connection.
- Are you on a company-owned internet connection or VPN? Your employer's firewall may be restricting bandwidth, which can cause connectivity issues even if your internet is great otherwise. Please coordinate with your IT department to whitelist our domain.
- Check out our WebRTC connection test in the Advanced Troubleshooting Tips section below.
Tip 4: Full device restart
- Has it been a while since you last restarted your device? Sometimes a full restart is all it takes.
Tip 5: Try a different device
- Do you have another device equipped with a camera, microphone, and internet you can try? If you are on your computer, try switching to your mobile device or vice versa.
Audio Issues
If you can't hear the other person...
Tip 1: Try a refresh
- Refresh (sometimes called reload) your web browser by clicking the circular arrow next to the address bar. Additional ways to refresh your web browser include:
- On a Windows computer, press the "F5" key on your keyboard.
- On a Mac computer, press and briefly hold the "⌘ Cmd" and "R" keys on your keyboard.
- On most mobile web browsers, touch near the top of the screen and "pull down."
Tip 2: Test your audio
- Let's make sure your device is producing audio. Click the Mend Connection Test link here.
- If you do not pass the audio section of the test, follow the instructions presented on the page or in our Connection Test article.
If the other person can't hear you...
Tip 1: Try a refresh
- Refresh (sometimes called reload) your web browser by clicking the circular arrow next to the address bar. Additional ways to refresh your web browser include:
- On a Windows computer, press the "F5" key on your keyboard.
- On a Mac computer, press and briefly hold the "⌘ Cmd" and "R" keys on your keyboard.
- On most mobile web browsers, touch near the top of the screen and "pull down."
- If you are prompted to "Allow" or "Block" your microphone, make sure to press "Allow!"
Tip 2: Test your microphone
- Let's make sure your microphone is picking up sound. Click the Mend Connection Test link here.
- If you do not pass the microphone section of the test, follow the instructions presented on the page or in our Connection Test article.
Tip 3: Improve your internet connection
- Generally, it is best to have only one instance/tab of Mend open at a time. Additionally, close any other additional windows, tabs, or applications you are not using to maximize your device's resources.
- Pay special attention to other video chat applications (FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, Zoom, Facebook Messenger), streaming platforms (Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Pandora), and cloud storage applications (Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox).
- Are you using cellular data or public WiFi? Try switching to a strong, secure WiFi signal. If no WiFi is available, try positioning yourself near a window for a stronger cellular signal.
- Are you on a private internet connection in your home or office? Restart your cable modem, router, or other network equipment, and if possible, try a hard wired connection.
- Are you on a company-owned internet connection or VPN? Your employer's firewall may be restricting bandwidth, which can cause connectivity issues even if your internet is great otherwise. Please coordinate with your IT department to whitelist our domain.
- Check out our WebRTC connection test in the Advanced Troubleshooting Tips section below.
Tip 4: Full device restart
- Has it been a while since you last restarted your device? Sometimes a full restart is all it takes.
Tip 5: Try a different device
- Do you have another device equipped with a camera, microphone, and internet you can try? If you are on your computer, try switching to your mobile device or vice versa.
If you hear an echo...
Tip 1: Check your speakers and microphone
- An echo can occur when the microphone is picking up sound from your speakers. Try turning down the volume or connecting headphones to your device to see if this is causing the issue.
Tip 2: Try a refresh
- Refresh (sometimes called reload) your web browser by clicking the circular arrow next to the address bar. Additional ways to refresh your web browser include:
- On a Windows computer, press the "F5" key on your keyboard.
- On a Mac computer, press and briefly hold the "⌘ Cmd" and "R" keys on your keyboard.
- On most mobile web browsers, touch near the top of the screen and "pull down."
Tip 3: Improve your internet connection
- Generally, it is best to have only one instance/tab of Mend open at a time. Additionally, close any other additional windows, tabs, or applications you are not using to maximize your device's resources.
- Pay special attention to other video chat applications (FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, Zoom, Facebook Messenger), streaming platforms (Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Pandora), and cloud storage applications (Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox).
- Are you using cellular data or public WiFi? Try switching to a strong, secure WiFi signal. If no WiFi is available, try positioning yourself near a window for a stronger cellular signal.
- Are you on a private internet connection in your home or office? Restart your cable modem, router, or other network equipment, and if possible, try a hard wired connection.
- Are you on a company-owned internet connection or VPN? Your employer's firewall may be restricting bandwidth, which can cause connectivity issues even if your internet is great otherwise. Please coordinate with your IT department to whitelist our domain.
- Check out our WebRTC connection test in the Advanced Troubleshooting Tips section below.
Loading Issues
Tip 1: Try a refresh
- Refresh (sometimes called reload) your web browser by clicking the circular arrow next to the address bar. Additional ways to refresh your web browser include:
- On a Windows computer, press the "F5" key on your keyboard.
- On a Mac computer, press and briefly hold the "⌘ Cmd" and "R" keys on your keyboard.
- On most mobile web browsers, touch near the top of the screen and "pull down."
- You may also try a "hard refresh" to reload cached information.
- On a Windows computer, press and briefly hold the "Ctrl" and "F5" keys.
- On a Mac computer, press and briefly hold "⌘ Cmd", "⇧ Shift", and "R".
Tip 2: Check your web browser and your device
- For most devices, Mend works best if you are using the most recent version of Google Chrome.
- iPhone and iPad devices must use the native Safari app.
- If your iOS is below 15.3, please update your operating system to update your Safari web browser.
- If your iOS is below 13 and cannot be updated further, your device may not be compatible with browser-based video visits. Please attempt to use another device.
Tip 2: Improve your internet connection
- Generally, it is best to have only one instance/tab of Mend open at a time. Additionally, close any other additional windows, tabs, or applications you are not using to maximize your device's resources. We recommend only having Mend open in one tab at a time in any scenario.
- Pay special attention to other video chat applications (FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, Zoom, Facebook Messenger), streaming platforms (Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Pandora), and cloud storage applications (Google Drive, iCloud, Dropbox).
- Are you using cellular data or public WiFi? Try switching to a strong, secure WiFi signal. If no WiFi is available, try positioning yourself near a window for a stronger cellular signal.
- Are you on a private internet connection in your home or office? Restart your cable modem, router, or other network equipment, and if possible, try a hard wired connection.
- Are you on a company-owned internet connection or VPN? Your employer's firewall may be restricting bandwidth, which can cause connectivity issues even if your internet is great otherwise. Please coordinate with your IT department to whitelist our domain.
- Check out our WebRTC connection test in the Advanced Troubleshooting Tips section below.
Tip 3: Follow the instructions to clear your browser's cookies and cache in the Advanced Troubleshooting section below.
Advanced Troubleshooting Tips
WebRTC Connection Test
Our advanced connection test through WebRTC is encouraged for all providers, but may also be accessed by patients and staff to identify connection-related issues. This test gives more detailed results and even better- sends them straight to Mend Technical Support.
Clear Cookies and Cache
Web browsers store information from the websites you visit, and use that information to load the same page more quickly the next time. But if something on the website has been updated, or if some of the old information is no longer found, it can cause issues.
- If you are using Google Chrome (recommended for most devices) please follow these instructions to clear your cookies and cache to start fresh.
- If you are using the native Safari app on an iPhone or iPad, please follow these instructions to clear your cookies and cache.
Hardware and Software
Not sure if you have the right setup for a video visit? Here are three articles that may help.
- Is my device compatible with Mend? - This is the basic guide we recommend to patients to make sure they're ready for telehealth.
- Mend Technical Recommendations - This is a more technical guide for our partnering organizations to ensure that devices, bandwidth capacity, and firewall settings are ready for successful video visits.
- Healthcare IT: Preparing for Telemedicine - This is our advanced resource for healthcare IT professionals.
In addition to the resources above, you can also check your CPU and memory usage to verify that you're using 50% or less available resources on your laptop or desktop computer.
- On a Windows computer, press Ctrl+ Alt + Delete to open the Task Manager.
- On a Mac computer, use the Spotlight Search or the Launchpad to locate the Activity Monitor.
Console Log
The Mend Technical Support team can typically identify errors from the metadata provided in live chat, but if you need to send us a console log, here's how.
- Windows desktop or laptop computer
- Open Developer Tools one of the following ways:
- Press the F12 key
- Right click and select Inspect
- From within Developer Tools, click Console (You can also access the Console with Control+Shift+J)
- If you see an error, take a screen grab using the Snipping Tool or "PrtScn" button
- If you capture the whole screen, please crop out PHI before emailing
- Open Developer Tools one of the following ways:
- Mac desktop or laptop computer
- Open Developer Tools one of the following ways:
- Press ⌘ Cmd + Option + i
- Right click (mouse) and select Inspect
- Two-finger click (trackpad) and select Inspect
- From within Developer Tools, click Console
If you see an error, take a screen grab using Shift + ⌘ Cmd + 3 (full screen) or Shift + ⌘ Cmd + 4 (select area to capture)
- If you capture the whole screen, please crop out PHI before emailing
- Open Developer Tools one of the following ways:
As always, Mend support is always ready and willing to help troubleshoot any issues you encounter. Please click the "Tech Support" button at the top of any screen in Mend or email